Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Mitsuo Kubo

A juvenile from Inaba who becomes the second suspect the group believes to be behind the murder case after Kinshiro Morooka's death. He makes a pass at Yukiko Amagi at the beginning of the game, and is rejected. He is later revealed to be an isolated student who was expelled from a different high school prior to the beginning of the game. Look at his face. Can I punch his face? I really want to. 

Taro Namatame 
A council secretary who is married to popular enka singer Misuzu Hiiragi, fired from his position as a result of his affair with TV reporter Mayumi Amano, the first victim of the case. Namatame is later revealed to be responsible for sending people to the TV world, using his family's delivery truck to be unnoticed by the victims and hiding a TV plasma inside for transporting them after knocking them out. Yeah poor taro, he is doing this without knowing what will happen. That's not the way you save them Taro! 

Tohru Adachi 
A young police officer in the Inaba police department, and Ryotaro Dojima's junior partner. He often accidentally reveals crucial information regarding the investigation to the protagonist, and is constantly reprimanded by Dojima for running his mouth. Following the revelation that Taro Namatame is not the culprit behind the murders, it is revealed that Adachi is behind the two first murders. He became interested in Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi until he pushed them into TVs when they spurned his feelings. After the two initial murders, he tricked Namatame into kidnapping people under the idea that he was keeping them from danger, which is reinforced as every person Namatame "rescues" is then saved by the protagonist's group. Adachi explains that his reason for his actions is nothing more than to entertain himself and out of disgust for the human world. Adachi uses his handgun in battle. His Persona is Magatsu Izanagi, which resembles the protagonist's initial Persona. Yeah, he looks like a clumsy guy with an innocent face, but he's the real culprit. 

The God of Fog, and the being that was partially influencing Tohru Adachi's actions. Responsible for the fog appearing on rainy days, it takes the form of a gigantic eyeball with a golden disc for an iris and black pipes protruding from its form. It believes itself to pursue "mankind's desires." Ameno-sagiri itself is benevolent, promising the protagonist that it will lift the fog after being defeated, although it is revealed through its final words that it is not dead, but will remain dormant until enough people wish for the fog to return. Ameno-sagiri has no known voice actor, although he does speak through Adachi when he takes control of him after he is defeated by the group. In the anime, RyĆ«sei Nakao provides the voice of Ameno-sagiri. This giant eyed-meatball has great fog powers. He looks less scary for me.  

Izanami is the mastermind behind the events of Persona 4. Claiming that it is what humans desire, she aims to cover the world in dense fog and turn mankind into Shadows, which would cause all humans to live acting on instinct and cease all suffering. Disguising herself as a Moel gas station attendant, she was able to directly grant outsiders like Taro Namatame, Tohru Adachi and Yu Narukami the ability to enter the TV. She also created the entrance to that world as well as the rumor of the Midnight Channel to see how humans would use it. During the battle, her initial form is that of a goddess, but after she is defeated first time her true form is revealed: a massive, skeletal monster, already dead and rotting, under the name of Izanami-no-Okami. Yu defeats her with the power he developed across the game. Following her defeat, Izanami disappears, satisfied with her opponents' abilities. That attendant is actually a female! and she is the mastermind of this game. You will be able to beat this badgirl if you follow the true ending

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