Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Shadow Bosses

These are some bosses that could pack a punch in this game:
The shadow we must defeat before Yosuke awakens his persona. The easiest boss that uses wind attacks. Here, you will fight him with the super lame and the weakest persona, Izanagi. Yeah, Izanagi is our first persona.
The shadow we must defeat before Chie awakens her persona. She has strong physical attacks. This is located at the same stage as Yukiko's Shadow.
The shadow we must defeat before Yukiko awakens her persona. She has strong fire attacks. There's also another prince-like shadow that helps and supports Yukiko's Shadow. Oh yeah, she can also increase her health. A phoenix with a love tattoo on her chest and Yukiko's head and hair, which is......yeah weird.
The shadow we must defeat before Kanji awakens his persona. His physical attacks are strong and there's also another 2 shadows that supports Kanji's Shadow's defense.I think this one is really strong, so you should beat the other 2 shadows first.
The shadow we must defeat before Rise awakens her persona. She can analyze our weakness, and our attacks will miss at some period. A really weird, hanging creature that thinks she's sexy. Yeah you all can comment.
A robot-like shadow we must defeat before Naoto awakens her persona. She(or he, because I don't really know the shadow's gender) has strong light and darkness attacks, and physical attacks too.
A shadow we must defeat before Teddie awakens his persona. He has strong ice attacks, and attacks that gives negative effect. Yeah he looks exactly like Teddie, but he lost his cuteness and become a super violent-faced creature.
Kunino-Sagiri, the one who claims that he's a saviour. He is Taro Namatame's Shadow. He can increase his health, and has strong judgment attacks He poses a "peace" sign with his fingers every time he attacks. Yeah, not every shadow is scary.
Ameno-Sagiri, the Deity of Fog. He can create a great defence by using his mist controlling powers, so all of our attacks will miss in some period. Yeah, his body is round and has a single eye, kinda funny, but it is strong tho, don't underestimate him, DON'T. 
Izanami, the final boss. She can increase her health, and is of course, the strongest boss, even if you play the easiest level. In this stage you will absolutely die because of the storyline, but you will be revived and you will gain the power of Izanagi no Okami, the transformation of Izanagi, our first persona ever. However, Izanagi no Okami is the strongest Persona in this game, and it is much much much MUCH more stronger than the pipsqueak Izanagi. 

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